Muddy Boots
Muddy Boots
Question Time 23!
Who will be the lucky winner of this week’s prize from The Plant Runner?
Another packed episode of excellent questions from our listeners and hear more about what Keith does (when he’s not talking to us about gardening!)
Some great tips this week include:
Your ECO Neem and Eco Oil mix can be made up and left in the sprayer for use. Adding a couple of drops of detergent can help others like Bordeaux spray from becoming pasty
Acer Negundo Box Elder tree can be a weedy species
Compacted clay soil? Hear Keith’s tips on preparing this soil before planting including loosening with F.D Ryan's broadfork, when to use gypsum and adding products like MycoGold
Shade loving perennials - Keith recommends Ajuga, Ligularia dentata reniformis (Tractor Seat Plant), Chatham Island Forget-me-not, Arthropodium, Sedum, Clivia, Primula, Veltheimia Bracteata
Tall plants like Aster falling over? Try crowding with other plants to support. Different forms of salivias, agastache, achillea for example.
Cherries (Keith recommends lapin variety) and pears (Keith suggests Packham’s Triumph) both require cross pollination for good crop production.
Can you apply crop rotation principles to flowering annuals? Probably not but ensure you are improving soil with Clyde’s lignite, Munash Rock Dust, Clyde's Compost
Hear how to remove Kaikuyu lawn. Use Slasher, cover with Weed G
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