Muddy Boots

What’s Happening In The Garden In July

Keith and Elisabeth

Mid July and half way through Winter. Plenty of jobs to prepare for the Spring season ahead!

  • Get your soil into great shape - add compost (Keith recommends Clyde's Compost), Munash Rock Dust, MycoGold (added at time of planting) and mulch. Add products like Blood & Bone manure and Rooster Booster now as these take some months to take effect
  • Good time to plant and/or fertilise brassicas. Feed with liquid fertliser like Charlie Carp or Power Feed now to optimise growth. Still time to plant cabbages, lettuce, radish, turnips, peas, beans and herbs
  • Clean up your tools - scrub off rust, sharpen and treat with Vaseline
  • Prune deciduous plants including apple trees by approximately ⅓ . Avoid pruning apricots (this should be done in Summer). Prune to an outward growing bud. Open out centre to allow light and air.
  • Prevent (or treat) pests like aphids and mealybugs with ECO Neem and Eco Oil
  • Continue to water your vegetables (depending on rain). Vegetables need 4mm a day!
  • Get on top of weeds while they are growing less vigorously. Keith & Elisabeth love F.D Ryan's Ho-Mi and Collinear tools. Best to do in the low growth period on the Moon calendar
  • Open up compact soil with  F.D Ryan's Broad fork to eliminate algae and moss
  • Perfect time to buy and plant bare-rooted trees (in cooler states). 

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